Photography by Neil Bygrave
Based in the South West of England I'm fascinated by the natural world. Through my photography, I hope to inspire interest and appreciation for nature in all its forms.
The site includes a section entitled "My Learning Curve”, essentially a tips and techniques section (including Canon lens, camera and equipment reviews) aimed at those new to digital wildlife, nature and landscape photography.
There is a wildlife species/subject notes section and an illustrated monthly sightings diary. An extensive useful photographic links section , my published images section and highly commended BWPA (British Wildlife Photography Awards) and other competition entries.
Recent Site Updates/Additions
- Avocets of Bowling Green Marsh (RSPB Reserve, Topsham, Devon, UK)
- Trail Cameras - Tracking my wildlife Trailcam exploits
- Illustrated Sightings Diary
- Fox Cub Foray
- "Field of Dreams" - Article on my small woodland reserve
Image of the Week

Marbled White, Butterfly - Devon, UK
Canon 7D mk II
Canon 100-400mm MKII L IS plus 1.4 TC
ISO 800

Abstract Autumn Nuthatch. Featured in UK TV's popular BBC Autumnwatch Unsprung 25.11.11
This is one of my favourite images. I love how it's instantly identified as a Nuthatch yet is completely blurred.
I caught half this guy by accident then spent the rest of the morning trying to get a better image. This was my best, the tree is not ideal, but that's wildlife photography :-)
Nuthatch – Sitta europaea. Devon, UK
Canon 50D
Canon 500mm F4 IS plus 1.4 x Extender
ISO 500
Evaluative Metering -2/3
You can see a 2 minute clip of the TV sequence by clicking this Text. Best viewed by clicking the "Expand" button very bottom right hand side of the YouTube portal.
All images, text and ideas are the 'intellectual property' of Neil Bygrave and are therefore protected by the United Kingdom's Designs and Patent Act 1988 and international copyright laws. No part of this property may be used without the written permission of Neil Bygrave to include copying, duplicating, publishing (even on a website), reproducing, storing in a retrieval system or transmitting by any means whatsoever.
Site activation date - September 2007.
Last updated - November 2020